Supported Independent Living

Our Services

Supported Independent Living

ScopeAbility aims to create a better foundation for people with disability who can have equal access to housing like other Australians and living independently with necessary and reasonable support in place.

ScopeAbility SIL team works together with participant, carers and guardians to make a better decision regarding where and what type of housing/accommodation are suitable for participant’s social, community and employment participation.

ScopeAbility understands barriers for people with disability such as limited income, lack of social and mainstream support and is determined to find people with disability a better place to live and establish a suitable support team to improve their capacity and achieve goals by developing and implementing relevant programs with other stakeholders. ScopeAbility also make financial contribution due to their limited income to set up a home in a reasonable manner and create a solid foundation towards a new journey for their success

ScopeAbility will work with participants and relevant stakeholders to develop SIL related documents and quote for NDIA approval.



Our team can come to you to discuss your needs and how we can best support you to achieve your goals. Contact us today to arrange an appointment.